5 Lessons Learned About Making a Pivot During a Pandemic

Last year, the bottom fell out of the trade show industry. Thinking back, it wasn't so much all in one day-but a slow slide, as companies tried to find ways to stay connected with customers. While the world accelerated toward a new different, 25% of women in every industry had left the workforce by the end of the year.

It was during this time, though it would have been easy to feel surrounded by darkness, I started to listen to the women around me. What were my executive women friends feeling? How were leaders coping with the enormity of their roles remotely? How were they staying engaged? So many women shared their struggles and all were feeling alone–not because they didn't have colleagues or people within their organization in similar roles, but leading remotely requires tenacity, grit, fortitude, and a positive mindset. All while figuring out care and safety for family, children, and friends. Some days, just being, was really hard. Sound familiar?

When doors close, windows open, and we have to be ready to receive whatever is on the other side. In this case, like so many this past year, I started looking forward to creating a life of contribution. How I could make an impact and live my purpose: to lift women up. 

What did that mean? Hard decisions, like leaving an industry I’d loved for 29 years. Yes–that is a long time! If you are in a place where you’re trying to sort out your destiny, or feel like you are afraid to make a change, because there is so much still left to do…I hope this helps you.

5 Lessons About Transformation

  1. The first step is to decide. Whatever you believe is your path, decide what it is you want to do. Laurie Wessels shares: you need to create three lists about what you like, what you love, and what you can do without – as part of the process.
  1. Seek advice from the right people. It can seem obvious, but don't only ask your cheerleaders. Find advisors who will challenge you to not think smaller, think bigger. When asking for perspectives, be specific, clear, and follow up with how you are taking action.
  1. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Successful leaders know that when the going gets tough, you have to dig deep. That’s why step one is so important, finding your “True North” as Carrie Buchwald describes in her Leading Leaders program.
  1.  Look for the Blue Ocean. Years ago, the book ‘Blue Ocean Strategy' came out. It became the foundation for everything I did in my career and I continue to use it to this day. Finding ways to offer value and serve first helps create ideas that fill a need. Launching HerCsuite™ Radio-a podcast for Women On the Move was inspired by the idea of solving “Video Conference Fatigue” and encouraging women to get out and “Walk With Me” on Wednesdays. (Aaptiv, a health wellness app is the show’s official sponsor and offers a 30 day free trial to listeners)
  1. Change is Scary. When we look at the underlying reason, fear of making a transformation is rooted in the question–“What if I fail?” Sara Blakely is a great example, as one of the most inspirational leaders of our time and uses fear as a driver. Shift the story, embrace fear as a core strength and when you fall…be ready to sprint after getting back up.

“It isn't IF you will fail-it is how fast you get up”

Ann Carter shared this quote and I believe it is a mantra that every leader should use daily for overcoming their fear of failure.

Today, I embrace all of these concepts, while I launch both a new podcast and HerCsuite™, a platform for executive women leaders. It is scary, but also one of the greatest moments I’ve ever imagined. 

HerCsuite™ is a new, all-in-one, advisory circle & networking membership that creates a simplified experience for women leaders to meet, engage, & thrive. It has everything you need (and nothing you don’t!), in one place, accessible on any device. 

For more leadership strategies, expert insights, and women empowerment, connect with me on Linkedin.

Reference: (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-lessons-learned-making-pivot-during-covid-benamou-she-her-hers-/ )

Natalie Benamou
Founder, CEO 
Herpower2 Lead | HerCsuite™ Platform | HerCsuite™ Radio Podcast Host 

Natalie founded Herpower2 Lead to create products that empower women to make lasting impacts today and into the future. She takes a ‘serve first’ approach to life and has applied this principle throughout her career, serving in leadership positions in business as well as non-profit organizations.


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