Gain a Competitive Talent Advantage

Executive Coach Facilitated Mentorship is designed to advance and engage women in the Mid-Career level from Manager to Vice President.

Gain A Competitive Leadership Advantage

Facilitated Mentorship is designed to advance and engage women in the Mid Career level from rising to emerging Leaders.

HerCsuite™ ready-to-implement programs use a three step success framework designed to engage and retain your top talent.


Program Overview


Success Formula

Ready-to-implement programs use a three-step approach that ensures your organization can maximize results. This success formula is applied to everything we do and is designed for women to gain outside thought leadership and peer-to-peer learning.

High Level

Every program includes a high level speaker.

  • Subject Matter Experts kick off every Mentoring Circle Meeting
  • Participants gain access to top thought leaders

Executive Coach Facilitated Mentoring

Facilitated leadership development sessions follows every speaker session.

  • Peer-to-Peer Learning Experience
  • Authentic conversations lead to positive outcomes


Quarterly reviews provide essential feedback.

  • Organizations learn top-of-mind participant concerns 
  • Ability to align feedback to the goals of the organization


Impacting Female Retention

“For every woman at the director level who gets promoted to the next level, two women directors are choosing to leave their company.”


Women IN The Workplace 2022 LEANIN.ORG

Program Topics

All of the benefits of having a mentor without the stress of planning content, agendas, and follow-up. Our mentoring program facilitators are senior executive leaders with more than 20 years of experience in leading teams and organizations. All programs are six months and are based on these three pillars that develop leaders from early to advanced career stages.


  • Speed Over Perfection
  • Ability to Fail Fast
  • Communicate Role Clarity in Meetings
  • Empowering Teams to Move at the Speed of Change


  • Decision Quality
  • Ensures Accountability
  • Drives Results
  • Win Leadership Buy-In


  • Courage Under Fire
  • Instill Trust
  • Collaborate with Others
  • Effective Communication

Speaker Programs

Every Facilitated Mentorship Program includes Four 1-hour Virtual Program that are available to all Participants.

Leadership is about being secure in who we are, what is our purpose and how it can influence up and down the organization.

  • Get clear on your purpose
  • Learn how to define your purpose.
  • Use the power of purpose to stay calm in the eye of the storm with your purpose as your anchor.
  • Let your voice be heard through demonstrating your purpose.

We all have the power to influence the world around us and the outcomes in our careers. 

  • Recognize how to adjust your messages to be heard.
  • Learn how to effectively negotiate in any situation.
  • Create allies in your organization and effectively lead a transformation initiative.

Leaders understand that in order to create transformation, you need to first start with understanding the culture, the direction, and who the key stakeholders are to implement change.

  • Recognize how people hear your voice
  • Learn how to effectively negotiate in any situation.
  • What it means to own your voice if you are one of the first, the few, the only.

Choosing your path includes building a network of strong allies and champions.

  • Identify how you can expand on your strengths
  • Find avenues inside your organization that will lead to growth
  • Create an intentional network plan for cross-organization exposure

HerCsuite™ has been the virtual network that I needed exactly when I needed it, allowing me to reconnect with former female colleagues as well as new acquaintances – so we can all support each other to achieve our personal goals.”

Founder and CEO




Inside Our Private Network Hub

Easy to access simple to use.

LMS video library of all past programs

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Expand your internal and external connections with access to women in our network hub 

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Zoom Integrations for meetings and programs 

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Mobile App makes it even easier to stay connected

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Access to your private network group.

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Special events and access to coaches when you need it.

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Click on the hotspots above to learn more.

Leadership Development Program FAQ's

Our ready-made solution takes minimal time for organizations to implement.  Mentee matching to circles, creating user profiles and onboarding is all done for you.

We have reward tracking built-in so you know how often mentees are accessing resources. There are ways to incentivize recognition between members inside each mentoring circle.

HerCsuite™ has an easy-to-follow 7-step implementation plan to match mentees online, establish monthly topics, assign accountability partners and upload participants to the platform.

Each mentor circle has a professional mentor assigned who leads monthly 1 hour conversations featuring topics from our mentoring framework: self-empowerment, interpersonal strength and organizational influence.

Programs are for 6 months.

Developing your talent at every career level ensures that there is a plan when executive leaders retire.

Each program is designed for 50 mentees or more.

Program pricing depends on the number of participants.  Schedule a call to discuss the best program for your organization.


Executive Leader Programs

Leading teams and organizations through today's business environment is complex. Senior women need advice from leaders who they can trust at a moment’s notice. Each month, participants hear from high-level speakers followed by a facilitated peer-to-peer discussion to solve their most difficult challenges.

Program Topics

Participant Benifits

Powered by HerCsuite™ Network Hub our Facilitated Mentorship and Executive Leadership Programs are easy to implement and provide a success framework to retain and engage top female talent.

Mentorship Program Overview

Facilitated Mentor Circle Format

Mentoring program content is designed for your mentees. Each month, we facilitate circle discussions based on three pillars. Mentees progress through the program with milestones in each pillar. Quarterly program reviews ensure your goals are achieved.

Engagement Rewards

Discover Values, Identity and Purpose.

Pillar Topics

Creating Your Work-Life Balance
How to Show Confidence
Know Your Purpose
Discover Your Leadership Values

Build a Foundation of Confidence and Resilience

Pillar Topics

Influencing Others
Managing Conflict
Build Your Network
Creating Visibility


Develop Best
Leadership Practices

Pillar Topics

Make Decisions Faster
Develop People
Hybrid Team
Critical Thinking

Mentoring Program

Getting Started Is EASY!

Mentoring Program Action Plan

Program Hub

Executive Leaders

Inspiring women at the top of your organization to stay engaged is important in today's changing workplace.

Executive Leaders

Executive Program

Managing change has gotten harder and harder. Senior women need advice from leaders who they can trust at a moment's notice. 

Each month, participants hear from high-level speakers doing a mini-TEDx style talk followed by facilitated peer-to-peer advice. 

Topics include burnout, leading hybrid teams, the future of work outperforming disruption, cultural agility, and employee engagement.

It all happens in only 1 hour a month.  

Program Experience

This program is designed for senior executive leaders and it offers women the opportunity to gain outside perspectives and apply advice to their roles in organizations.  

Benefits of this program:

According to Harvard Business Review, it costs an organization $350,000 to replace one executive leaders over 50.  Retain and engage your top talent with this program.

Organizational Benefits

Possible Participant Measurement

Organization Metrics

Looking to advance executive women? We have you covered in our Executive Level Circles. Click Here to Learn More

Getting Started Is Easy, Let's Talk

Schedule A Call today.

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