How to Lead Authentically with Tosca DiMatteo

Are you leading with a spirit of authenticity? Today's guest, Tosca DiMatteo is the founder of Tosca Coaching and Consulting. She's a career transformation coach and strategic marketing consultant. Tosca is an advocate for humanity and she helps you find the deepest truth to unapologetically live and operate from the place of authenticity.  Tosca is a “corporate whisperer” and shares actionable ideas that will help you to live your truth.

Listen to host Natalie Benamou and Tosca DiMatteo as they discuss,

“How to Lead Authentically”.

Create Your Own Magic:

  • Rediscover your power.
  • Your energy is your magic.
  • Remove what is not serving you.

How to Increase Confidence:

  • Have a community that supports and lifts you up.  Don't let fear be the thing that stops you.

“In truth, authenticity is in a context and not everybody is given permission to be authentic. And so what happens is over time, I think people kind of lose who they are, and this is what creates just a sense of loss and a sense of confusion and just frustration, lack of fulfillment, because you're always trying to like mold yourself because each culture is different.  Each manager wants something different, you know, and on and on. And so I think. You know, for folks who are in situations who feel frustrated and feel stuck. I think the biggest thing that you can do for yourself is find a way to come back to yourself.” – Tosca DiMatteo

Thank you Tosca DiMatteo for being a guest on the show! Connect with Tosca DiMatteo on LinkedIn and at

Natalie Benamou is the Founder of HerCsuite™, an all-in-one platform that gives women and their organization a framework to achieve success in every level of their careers.   HerCsuite™ Solutions: Connected Mentoring- Women Build Their Entourage Monthly Speaker with Breakouts. Engage and Learn- Feed Your Team’s Mind – Immersive Speaker Experience and All-In-One Platform and and app- Corporate Portal with Private Groups, Networking, Programs, Immersive Events

Join HerCsuite™ as a team and save. Have a question? Reach out to Natalie at HerCsuite™ or send a text to 224-209-6424.

LinkedIn: Natalie Benamou | HerCsuite™ | HerPower2 Lead

This podcast is sponsored by Aaptiv, our favorite health and wellness app with over 3,000 videos. Listeners can get your free 30-day trial here. Credits: Thanks to Julie Deem and the Business Podcast Editor for editing our podcast!

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Natalie Benamou
Founder, CEO 
Herpower2 Lead | HerCsuite™ Platform | HerCsuite™ Radio Podcast Host 

Natalie founded Herpower2 Lead to create products that empower women to make lasting impacts today and into the future. She takes a ‘serve first’ approach to life and has applied this principle throughout her career, serving in leadership positions in business as well as non-profit organizations.

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