Know What to Ask and Get Paid More with Claire Wasserman Founder & Author Ladies Get Paid

In today’s episode, founder and author, Claire Wasserman, shares her insights and wisdom described in her book and platform, Ladies Get Paid. Claire champions the advancement of women and is a highly sought-after expert for Fortune 500 companies. She’s taught thousands of women how to negotiate millions of dollars in raises, start businesses, and advocate for themselves. Motivated by a friend’s experience uncovering a serious difference between men and women’s salaries, Claire is an educator and an advocate for women everywhere, teaching them how to advocate for themselves. Named one of Entrepreneur Magazine’s 100 Most Powerful Women, Claire is sharing with us how to know what to ask and get paid. 

As women, conversations about money have been hiding behind closed doors. This conversation with host Natalie Benamou and Claire Wasserman opens the door and shows you how to start talking about money and knowing your worth. 

What to Ask:

Claire recommends getting the conversations started:

What’s your salary range? If you work for an agency-ask about the value or your contribution to the company. For example, ask how much was the campaign worth they signed for? Include your contribution value when negotiating your salary


Hiding from conversations about money; it’s a disservice to yourself and everyone Questioning your work and your value Equating self-worth to net-worth


Being a self-advocate Thinking big Combining activism with doing well for yourself and other women


Thank you, Claire Wasserman, for this conversation, your advocacy and for opening the doors to talking about money in a way to help women achieve gender parity.


Resources mentioned in this episode:

Harvard Business Review article: The Average Mid-Forties Male College Graduate Earns 55% More Than His Female Counterparts

Claire Wasserman Founder and Author Ladies Get Paid

LinkedIn: Claire Wasserman

Website: Ladies Get Paid & Claire Wasserman

Instagram: Claire Wasserman


If you have any questions about this episode, reach out to Natalie at HerCsuite™.

LinkedIn: Natalie Benamou HerPower2 Lead HerCsuite™

This podcast is sponsored by Aaptiv, our favorite health and wellness app with over 4,000 videos. Listeners can get your free 30 day trial here

Credits: Thanks to Julie Deem and the Business Podcast Editor for editing our podcast!

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Natalie Benamou
Founder, CEO 
Herpower2 Lead | HerCsuite™ Platform | HerCsuite™ Radio Podcast Host 

Natalie founded Herpower2 Lead to create products that empower women to make lasting impacts today and into the future. She takes a ‘serve first’ approach to life and has applied this principle throughout her career, serving in leadership positions in business as well as non-profit organizations.

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