EPISODE 165 | MAY 22, 2024

Empowering Women's Health Outcomes with Anjana Sreedhar, MPA

How can we improve women's health outcomes? Take a listen to our featured guest, Anjana Sreedhar, a passionate advocate for women's health and a seasoned expert in organization development.  Anjana sheds light on the historical and ongoing challenges women face in healthcare, while offering a hopeful outlook for the future. Her deep insights and thoughtful commentary provide valuable lessons for anyone interested in improving healthcare systems and supporting women's well-being.

Anjana Sreedhar talks with host Natalie Benamou about her book: Health Care of a Thousand Slights and the information she uncovered in both writing the book and also in the work she does today.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Historical Context: Understand the long-standing male dominance in the medical field and its impact on women's health.
  2. Present-Day Issues: Learn about the persistent challenges women face, including underdiagnosis and lack of research in women's health.
  3. Future Optimism: Discover the growing recognition of the need for better investment and research in women's health.
  4. Holistic Care: Explore the importance of providing safe, respectful, and clinically sound care for women.
  5. Advocacy and Change: Gain insights into the steps needed to create a more equitable healthcare system for women.

Quotes from Anjana Sreedhar:

“The past has laid bare everything that's going on in the present in women's healthcare.”

“Women deserve to access care that is safe, respectable, and clinically sound so they can live the lives they deserve.”

“As a society, we're starting to understand the need to invest in the questions around women's health.”


About Anjana

Anjana Sreedhar is the author of Health Care of a Thousand Slights, published in December 2020, about the history of health disparities among marginalized populations in the United States. She has a background in health care strategy and operations.

Natalie Benamou

Welcome! I'm Your Host, Natalie Benamou, Founder, HerCsuite® Network.

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