EPISODE 133 |OCTOBER 11, 2023

How to Win Leadership Buy-in with Jen Pestikas and Natalie Benamou

Have you ever felt stuck getting your ideas approved? Jen Pestikas, a Senior Vice President at a Chicagoland credit union, has been in your shoes. In this episode of HerCsuite® Radio, Jen and host, Natalie Benamou, explore their journeys to leadership. Discover their step-by-step formula that includes ten strategies for winning leadership buy-in, developing a compelling business case, and mastering the art of self-promotion.

10 Strategies to Win Leadership Buy-In:

  1. Understand their priorities. Determine what is most important.
  2. Develop a compelling case. Clearly identify the situation and outline how you can solve it.
  3. Communicate the benefits. Highlight how it will help the organization.
  4. Build Relationships. Cultivate connections with key stakeholders, and influencers in the leadership team.
  5. Create a detailed plan. Showcase all the ways your idea is beneficial to the company.
  6. Highlight the risks and have a solution for anticipated speed bumps.
  7. Involve others in the process. Socialize your idea before presenting it to leadership.
  8. Explain the long-term benefits. Have a plan that extends 3-5 years in the future.
  9. Demonstrate your expertise. Be ready to share your knowledge and tap others who have specific subject matter expertise to help reinforce your idea.
  10. Be prepared to adapt. Receive feedback positively and use it for next steps.

Power Tip: Take your idea and create a road show across the organization.

Click the image above to download the “Win Leadership Buy-In” workbook!

Favorite Quotes:

“Persistence and grit are key here; just because you get a ‘no' doesn't mean you stop. Dust yourself off, don't take it personally, and consider what you can learn from the experience.” – Jen Pestikas

“We all have stories, we all have those peaks and valleys in our careers, but the key is to keep pushing forward and not believing in those negative stories.” – Jen Pestikas

“Build a rapport and trust with key stakeholders to get to yes faster.” – Natalie Benamou

Winning leadership buy-in is a strategic process that includes being intentional, understanding what is most important to leadership and aligning your solution to the business.

This podcast is sponsored by Accelerate a Group coaching program where Jen leads members through peaks and valleys of their careers.

Accelerate is a platform where women unleash their superpowers, meet monthly, and solve real-world problems.

In Accelerate, we create a safe space where you can bring your real-world work situations and receive coaching, guidance, and insights from peers across various industries”

Through Accelerate, women are not just gaining insights but are being promoted, negotiating better, and successfully managing transitions like taking maternity leave and ensuring your team is ready for the transition.

Find out how you can join the HerCsuite® Accelerate program.

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About Jen Pestikas

Jennifer Pestikas is a HerCsuite® Coach for Accelerate, Speaker, and Member and is a bestselling author, and podcast host, and helps women advance through their careers.

Jen’s superpower is negotiation! Just this year, she’s helped her coaching clients negotiate and bring in over $70,000 – and the final quarter isn’t over yet!

Natalie Benamou

Welcome! I'm Your Host,
Natalie Benamou, Founder, HerCsuite™ Women's Growth Network.

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