Accelerate HER with Jen Pestikas, Founder Brave Women at Work [Special Replay Interview]

Accelerate HER is a special episode replay of a previous earlier interview with Jen Pestikas. When this airs, we are kicking off the webinar “How to Win Leadership Buy-In” and it all starts with how you need to leverage and bold your strengths.

Jen invites us to learn her story as a senior executive leader, coach, podcast host, and mother. She has over 20 years of experience in financial services and shares her insights and strategies about how she landed a new job while she was 8 months pregnant…and what happened next.

Accelerate You

  1. Make time to stay in touch with your network.
  2. Be courageous and put yourself out there.
  3. Communicate clearly to your boss and organization your career goals and where you want to go in the organization.

The Winning Combination Networking + Making your Intention Known + Confidence = Success

Your Personal Care:

• Believing in yourself, in your abilities is crucial.

• Embrace a positive mindset.

• Look for opportunities to be brave and expand your career.

Amplify Your Mindset

• Remove Limiting Beliefs: Identify the words and phrases like “I can’t get a promotion” or “I can’t get to the next level.”

• Separate the fearful limiting belief from yourself so you can move forward.”

• It takes practice to get past those limiting beliefs ingrained in our heads.

“When you hear that voice- hear it and acknowledge it then counter it by saying something like, “thank you for being concerned, but I’m okay.”Jen Pestikas

This podcast is sponsored by HerCsuite® Accelerate program. For every phase of your career, find your people inside HerCsuite® Women’s Growth Network.

About Jennifer Pestikas

Jennifer Pestikas is a HerCsuite® Coach for Accelerate, Speaker and Member. Since this podcast she has written two bestselling books and continues to shine her light out in the world.

Natalie Benamou

Welcome! I'm Your Host,
Natalie Benamou, Founder, HerCsuite™ Women's Growth Network.

Every week I bring you inspirational interviews and stories to help you get clarity about your future, step into your power so you can bold your brave.

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